
It has been a long while since I've written to you.  But if, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, I've had the photographical equivalent of full blown explosive logorrhea- as evidenced by the various photo galleries  from the past few months.

It's hard to believe that you have made a half trip around the sun with us already.  Equally hard to believe are all the changes your Mom and Dad have seen you go through in that short time.

Seems like yesterday when we looked at you for the first time.  You were unbelievably tiny, and blind, and sleepy.  Since that time, you have mastered an incredible array of skills, and have learned so much.  Many of the things that we take for granted you are doing (fearlessly) for the first time ever.  You are gaining strength, and the ability to hold yourself up, sit on your own with just a little bit of help, and interact socially like nobody's business.  We are starting to see your personality start to peak through.  You are generally a very happy kid, seem to be very observant, and appropriately talkative.  It seems to your Mom and Dad that you watch everything that goes on in the room, and them report your findings to the Winnie The Pooh that hangs down from your "gym".  Your Mom and Dad think you have a lot to say, and we can't wait to hear it.

About a week ago, just before you turned 6 months old, we went on your first vacation to the North Carolina mountains.  On the way up there, we stopped by Anderson, SC to visit your Uncle Scot, Aunt Angie, cousin Lindsay, Mama Dink, Daddy Dink, and Grandma Lorraine.  They all enjoyed seeing you, and how big you had gotten.  You seemed to enjoy being held by, and smiling at everyone.  We then continued up to North Carolina.  Up there, we took you to Lake Lure, and you went on your first boat ride.  We also took you to Chimney Rock State Park.  You didn't seem to mind being in your Snuggli.  As we came home, you took your first trip to Ikea in Charlotte.  It was very shiny, and you seemed to really like that....until you got hungry.

Last Saturday, I took you to the Tournament of Bands at Blythewood HS.  You enjoyed listening to the music, and watching all the interesting thing to see.  You also seemed to enjoy the attention that everyone paid to you.

Your favorite word is "book."  I don't know what it is about that sound, but most times you hear it, you laugh uncontrollably.

Today we are taking you to your 6 month wellness check, and later in the day, we will be taking you to get your first portraits done.  In hindsight, this may not have been among the best laid plans of either mice or men.  Let's hope they don't gang agley... by the truckload.  Experience has shown that although you do have your breaking points (and don't we all) you are, more often than not, a real trooper.  I suspect today will be no different.

We can't wait to see you flash those blue eyes for the camera

I love you

©2010 Jason & Kerry Frith